Private Wedding

Ramada Plaza Suwon Hotel’s luxury and classy wedding service tailored to the specific needs of would-be bride and bridegroom will further brighten the most cherished moment in their life.
We will provide high class wedding service in a spacious and classy hall with easy access,
sufficient parking spaces, best food and delicate services.

Private Wedding is better suited for a wedding ceremony to be celebrated in a refined and congenial atmosphere.
The scene of a bride and bridegrooms marching along two lanes with floral decorations will let you fully appreciate
grace of the wedding. The beautiful wedding hall can accommodate about 120 guests and create comfortable atmosphere.

Information and reservationTel. +82-31-230-0025~28Fax. +82-31-230-0029E-mail :

  • Location


  • Capacity

    Plaza Hall : approximately 80 ~ 120
    Topaz Hall : approximately 50 ~ 80

아이디 중복확인

(4~20자 까지 한글과 특수문자를 제외한 “영문+숫자” 조합문자 )